绘制上图的Stata代码如下: ** Master file for results replication. ** Please note that tables will be produced in "raw" form and require manual recombination and/or formatting to match the finished tables. * Load adofiles * These files are created by the authors for the purpose...
绘制上图的Stata代码如下: * Maps displaying levels of a variable * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Packages * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ssc install spmap ssc install shp2dta *...
绘制上图的Stata代码如下: * FIGURE: Line graph with uncluttered scheme * Load built-in data sysuse uslifeexp * Change scheme: scheme needs to be manually installed. Instruction on how * to this can be found in https://gray.kimbrough.info/uncluttered-stata-graphs/ set scheme un...
绘制上图的Stata代码如下: * FIGURE: Line graph with plottig scheme * Install user-written graph scheme ssc install blindschemes, replace * Select graph scheme (similar to R's ggplot2) set scheme plottig * Load built-in data sysuse sp500, clear * Create graph: show time series ...
绘制上图的Stata代码如下: *Figure: Line plots witthed line with confidence interval * Load data set use "http://ds.epiman.cn/uploads/2022/06/line-fit-text.dta", clear * Treament effect reg y_var x_var post x_var_post control * Save coefficients for graph local beta_pre = round...
绘制上图的Stata命令如下: * Install necessary commands ****************************************************************** * Custom commands defined in ado files: * freeshape: reshapes wide data into long without requiring variables names of * the variables to be shaped numbere...
绘制上图的Stata命令如下: *Figure: Scatter plot with fitted line and confidence interval * Load data use "https://github.com/worldbank/stata-visual-library/raw/master/Library/data/scatter-fl-ci.dta", clear *数据不存在* * Graph twoway /// (lfitci jobs_scarce_code avg_growth ) /...
*FIGURE: Scatter plot with transparent points sysuse auto, clear scatter price mpg /// , /// mcolor(midblue%50) /// the value after % sets the transparency mlwidth(0) /// set width of border to 0 graphregion(color(white)) * Have a lovely day! * Source: https://worldbank.github...
生成上图的Stata代码如下: * Figure: Scatter plot with polynomial smoothing and confidence interval ************************************** *** Notes *** ************************************** /* *requires user written command grc1leg 1. findit grc1leg 2. select: grc1leg from ht...
生成上图的Stata命令如下: *Figure: Shaded k-density functions * Packages required ssc install akdensity * Load data use "http://ds.epiman.cn/uploads/2022/06/density-shaded.dta", replace * Create variable used for graph sort beta_ gen rank = _n * Calculate parameters for graph ...