生成上图的Stata命令如下: *Figure: Shaded k-density functions * Packages required ssc install akdensity * Load data use "http://ds.epiman.cn/uploads/2022/06/density-shaded.dta", replace * Create variable used for graph sort beta_ gen rank = _n * Calculate parameters for graph ...
绘制上图的Stata命令如下: * Figure: Density graph with data points global graph_opts title(, justification(left) color(black) span pos(11)) /// graphregion(color(white)) ylab(,angle(0) nogrid notick) xscale(noline) yscale(noline) yline(0 , lc(black)) /// xtit(,placement(left) ...
绘制上图的Stata命令如下: /********************************************************************************** FIGURE: kernel density graph with mean marker **********************************************************************************/ * Load data * --------- use "http://d...