
绘制上图的Stata代码如下: * FIGURE: Line graph with uncluttered scheme * Load built-in data sysuse uslifeexp * Change scheme: scheme needs to be manually installed. Instruction on how * to this can be found in set scheme un...


绘制上图的Stata代码如下: * FIGURE: Line graph with plottig scheme * Install user-written graph scheme ssc install blindschemes, replace * Select graph scheme (similar to R's ggplot2) set scheme plottig * Load built-in data sysuse sp500, clear * Create graph: show time series ...


绘制上图的Stata代码如下: *Figure: Line plots witthed line with confidence interval * Load data set use "", clear * Treament effect reg y_var x_var post x_var_post control * Save coefficients for graph local beta_pre = round...