下载字体Silhous Font,信息如下: 浏览地址 下载地址 安装字体Silhous Font,方法如下: 压缩包解压后,将MixedBag2-R013.ttf复制到 Windows系统的字体目录下(C:\Windows\Fonts)即可。 绘制上图的Stata代...
with Stata
下载字体Silhous Font,信息如下: 浏览地址 下载地址 安装字体Silhous Font,方法如下: 压缩包解压后,将MixedBag2-R013.ttf复制到 Windows系统的字体目录下(C:\Windows\Fonts)即可。 绘制上图的Stata代...
比如绘制两组散点图,Stata代码如下: sysuse auto, clear two scatter price mpg if foreign == 1 || scatter price mpg if foreign == 0 可以试试英国杜伦大学(Durham University)的Nicholas J. Cox开发的Stata社区命令linkplot: ssc install linkplot,replace linkplot price mpg , link(foreig...
绘制上图的Stata命令如下: * Install necessary commands ****************************************************************** * Custom commands defined in ado files: * freeshape: reshapes wide data into long without requiring variables names of * the variables to be shaped numbere...
绘制上图的Stata命令如下: *Figure: Scatter plot with fitted line and confidence interval * Load data use "", clear *数据不存在* * Graph twoway /// (lfitci jobs_scarce_code avg_growth ) /...
*FIGURE: Scatter plot with transparent points sysuse auto, clear scatter price mpg /// , /// mcolor(midblue%50) /// the value after % sets the transparency mlwidth(0) /// set width of border to 0 graphregion(color(white)) * Have a lovely day! * Source: https://worldbank.github...
生成上图的Stata代码如下: * Figure: Scatter plot with polynomial smoothing and confidence interval ************************************** *** Notes *** ************************************** /* *requires user written command grc1leg 1. findit grc1leg 2. select: grc1leg from ht...
绘制上图的Stata命令如下: *Figure: scatter plot with fitted line * Load data * --------- sysuse auto, clear * Set graph options * ---- local col_domestic midblue local col_foreign red local transparency %30 local point_width 0 local point_size small * Plot * ---- twoway (scatt...