FIGURE: kernel density graph with mean marker
* Load data
* ---------
use "http://ds.epiman.cn/uploads/2022/06/density-av.dta", clear
* Calculate means
* ---------------
sum revenue if post == 0
local pre_mean = r(mean)
sum revenue if post == 1
local post_mean = r(mean)
* Plot
* ----
twoway (kdensity revenue if post == 0, color(gs10)) ///
(kdensity revenue if post == 1, color(emerald)) ///
, ///
xline(`pre_mean', lcolor(gs12) lpattern(dash)) ///
xline(`post_mean', lcolor(eltgreen) lpattern(dash)) ///
legend(order(1 "Pre-treatment" 2 "Post-treatment")) ///
xtitle(Agriculture revenue (BRL thousands)) ///
ytitle(Density) ///
bgcolor (white) graphregion(color(white))
* Have a lovely day!
* Source: https://worldbank.github.io/stata-visual-library/density-av.html