FIGURE: Marginal effects by heterogeneity gorups
sysuse auto, clear
PART 1: Prepare options
local label1 Foreign
local label0 Domestic
* Supress y axis labels on graph to the right so it's only shown once on
* combined graph
local yopts1 ylab(, labcolor(white)) ///
ytitle("") ///
gr drop _all
PART 2: Create individual graphs
* Loop over heterogeneity variables
forvalues foreign = 0/1 {
* Run regression to get margin effect
* -----------------------------------
reg price mpg headroom if foreign == `foreign'
* Plot marginal effect by group
* -----------------------------
coefplot ///
, ///
drop(_cons) /// don't show constant
vertical ///
yline(0, lpattern(dash)) /// for significance
ciopt(color(gs10 gs10) ///
recast(rcap)) ///
levels(90 95) /// show 90% and 95% CIs
ylab(, noticks glcolor(gs15)) ///
xlab(, noticks labsize(small)) ///
xtitle("") ///
ytitle("Marginal effect on price") ///
title(`label`foreign'', box bexpand bcolor(gs15)) /// add title in box
color(black) ///
name(f`foreign') ///
graphregion(color(white)) ///
PART 3: Combine graphs
gr combine f0 f1, ///
ycommon ///
******************************** The end ***************************************
* Have a lovely day!
* Source: https://worldbank.github.io/stata-visual-library/reg-het.html