
在以图形呈现数据结果的时候,色觉缺陷人群(People with Colour Vision Deficiency)是一个不容忽略的群体。红绿色盲是典型的色觉缺陷,它的患病率如下:

Large random population surveys show that the prevalence of inherited red-green color deficiency in European Caucasians is about 8% in men and about 0.4% in women and between 4% and 6.5% in men of Chinese and Japanese ethnicity. doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.29.000313.

瑞士苏黎世大学(University of Zurich)的 Daniel Bischof副教授开发了一套Stata图形模板(blindschemes)用来生成对色觉缺陷人群更加友好的Stata图形。


ssc install blindschemes, replace
graph query, schemes
help plotplain
help plotplainblind
help plottig
help plottigblind


sysuse nlsw88, clear
local schemes s2color s1mono plotplain plotplainblind plottig plottigblind
foreach scheme of local schemes {
    graph dot wage, over(occ, sort(1)) title(`scheme') scheme(`scheme') saving(`scheme',replace)
    local plots `plots' `scheme'.gph
	disp "`plots'"
graph combine `plots', row(2)
